This is a rather personal poem. I created it specifically to impart a sense of wonder and, perhaps, even love.
I made it long ago for a friend that isn’t mine anymore. Please, while you’re reading... think about the people that make you feel similar. Let the value of those around you, including yourself, be the bright light in your darkest dreams.
A crack of lightning
Sparking aflame
a world embraced by the dark.
My world.
it was a flash to light up the night—
Being So Incredibly Bright
And Sparks scattered
like rain splattering On the pavement
Perhaps like my mixed emotions...
And Truth be told,
If I may be So Bold,
You made everything bright.
Made everything lose its quality of fright.
The night was my life
And you,
my friend, my temptations, my desires, my... deepest shame...
You were always my lightning
Good work!