The Greener Grass
A Blog by Jessica Nino
Tip Of The Day: You are the reason you’re here today. You’re stronger than you believe. ❤
The Truth About What is Happening in China:
Trigger Warnings: Islamophobia, Abuse, Violence, Sexual Violence and Assault, Genocide
China’s History with Islamophobia:
Around the eighteenth century, the growth from the Qing Dynasty destroyed the peace between China and Islamic people. Between 1862 and 1877, arguments between a Chinese Merchants and Muslim Hui led to an ethnic war causing millions of deaths; this was known as the Dungan Revolt. However, much Islamophobia came by influence from the West. Because of the tragedy of 9/11, this sparked immense hate towards the Islamic community. This caused many to avoid or dislike Muslims due to the irrational belief that all are terrorists and aggressive. This only worsened the situation for Muslims, forcing them to be watched closely and calling their religions and beliefs extreme and “dangerous”. This is not only a problem in China, but also a growing problem in and influenced by the U.S.
The Xinjiang Concentration Camps:
As many have been made aware recently, many Muslims in China have been taken captive and inserted into concentration camps. They are forced to act against their religious beliefs, mistreated, and punished simply for their belief and faithfulness to the Islamic religion. Sayragul Sauytbay has become one of the few to make it out of the camps alive thanks to asylum from Sweden. She has spoken out about the conditions in the camps, and they are truly terrifying. At the beginning of 2017, Sayragul was taken from her home with her head covered and placed in a jail for hours to be interrogated about where her family was, then told not to share her experience with anyone. Later that year, she was sent to an address and told to wait for police to show up; where she would inevitably be taken into the camps. Prisoners are given uniforms, get their heads shaved, forced to sleep in certain positions, and crammed in small rooms. Hygiene is not properly handled, food is everyday terrible, and everyone is forced to eat pork. Prisoners are being tortured relentlessly. Women are forced to take pills that would eventually sterilize them, and many are eventually sexually assaulted and raped. Amazingly, Sayragul was able to escape, but what about those who cannot do so?
How To Help:
To be completely honest, I feel like signing petitions isn\’t enough, but we\’re also in a powerless position; I would advise you all to bring this topic up whenever you can to whoever you can. Being able to spread this information to those around us will most likely follow a chain and spread the words and concerns these people deserve.
Contact me
Hi! I would love to hear your ideas, suggestions, and feedback on the content I am regularly publishing! I believe it is important I stay connected with yall and am able to positively connect and learn from yalls criticism and suggestions to help me improve as a writer. I encourage you to send me ideas and suggestions based on what you’d like to read about so that I can regularly connect with you all as well as better understand your interests, and help y’all destress, learn, and enjoy my content. -Love, J
You can contact me through the following links and medias:
Twitter: 1andxnlynino
Instagram: jjessicaninoo (also found at the top of the page next to the title, you can reach my profile by clicking the IG icon or looking it up through the username)
The best way to reach me would be through either Email or instagram, I am constantly checking both. Don\’t be shy! Even if you don’t have suggestions, if you need a safe space, feel emotionally/mentally stressed, are feeling anxious, depressed, or just need a friend, I am always available!
Who Am I?
My Name is Jessica & I am a blogger for the CPSB (college prep student bubble) I was given the wonderful ability to create content for you all as a way to relax or entertain/learn while you prepare for AP/college.
What Are My Interests?
My interests include painting, volleyball, discovering music, reading (mostly sci-fi or romance), writing about absolutely anything and interacting with new people! I believe having hobbies and consistently participating in them helps you mentally and physically destress, so if you haven\’t done something you enjoy today, take the time to do it :).
What Do I Intend For This Blog?
This blog was created for you as a student to get some daily reading in on something that interests you. This became a resource because AP and college can very often be stressful and a handful, my purpose is to entertain you and help you stay motivated. My writing can be seen as a brain break or relaxer to those who are interested in it. I intend to make this a very chill spot for you all and to bring weekly content on any topic imaginable you suggest/want.
What Grade Am I In & What Courses Am I Taking?
I am an incoming Junior for the 2020-21 year, and will be graduating with the class of ‘22. I am an Early College High School student, so half of my classes are highschool and the other half are college. My classes this year will include: English 4 dual credit, Geometry PAP, Environmental Systems PAP, US History, (high school). For my first semester in college I am taking College English, Texas Government, and Philosophy.
More About My Writing: How did I come up with ‘The Greener Grass’? Very often I heard the saying “the grass isn\’t always greener on the other side” I decided to name my blog after this to give it a positive connotation: it doesn’t matter what side of the “grass’’ were on, sure it may not be the greenest, but I think that by being positive & interacting we can make our grass greener. To me this means we can help each other out, we can teach and learn from each other; we will all eventually feel stress, pressure, & frustration, but together we can make the most out of it and encourage each other & grow.
Cites used, referenced and helpful related to this content: