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  • Promise

    Promise By Jade Did I do something wrong? Could I have made you stay? You promised me grace but gave hatred away, I thought you changed, But you let me astray, Do I know how to be me again? I can’t help but feel this way, I’m tired I need rest, But can never sleep because I’m a mess, Don’t go please stay, You promised you would hold me tight, On nights where I didn’t wanna fight, Was this a battle all along? Was I being used for your facade? Please go away your promises were nothing but spare change, You never mean what you say because when you show your true colors, You push me more and more away, I’m tired now go to sleep, But promise me this, Stop being weak.

  • Inside the Teen Mind

    When looking at the world, what do You see? Chaos and cruelty? Beauty and prosperity? Evolution and destruction? What do you truly see when you look out the window? When looking in the mirror, do you see yourself how others see you? Do you see potential? Or do you see someone that shouldn\’t be here, someone that does not deserve the air they breathe. I\’m Avii, and I\’m here to show you what it looks like to face the reality as a 15 year old teenager. I have not experienced all of life, nor am I any bit close to being wise, but I have had my fair share of life and its bitchiness. I will never say \”this is right\” and \”this is wrong\” because I cannot be the judge of that. I will however say things in my perspective, and this may come off as biased and opinionated, but please know I do not do this intentionally. And with this all said, I wish you luck and safety until the next time we meet 🙂

  • Study Bubbly Blog Post-1/25/2021

    1/25/2021 By Mista. Quarantine has been an interesting time for everybody-and that includes myself.  Besides piano, I’ve also been picking up on new food items I can make. This time, we’ll be talking about dumplings. Yes, dumplings-stuffed little packages of delicious filling-usually with pork, but other meats can be used as well(I have a friend of mine who uses ground turkey and garlic-it’s simply amazing!).  They are mostly cooked by steaming, and served with a dipping sauce on the side. In my family, the leftover steamed dumplings are usually fried the next day to be eaten as a filling breakfast-these are called potstickers, or guo tie in Chinese.  I’ve never met a single person who doesn’t like pan fried dumplings-they are too good for anyone to say no to. Now, here comes the most exciting bit-the meat-and-potatoes of the blog post today-and that is, I will be sharing how my family makes dumplings at home(we do this once a week, with my mother chiding me whenever I make ugly dumplings-the ones I make are nowhere as near as beautiful as the ones she makes, haha.) The first thing you’ll want to get started with is the dough-we usually use store-bought wrappers(to save time since…people are lazy), but homemade dough is just as nice. To make homemade dough, flour and salt is combined in a bowl-warm water is then added until it is well combined-the dough is rolled out on the chopping board(sprinkled with flour) until it becomes nice and smooth.  The dough is then divided into four equal parts-each part is rolled into a long, cylindrical log and each log is divided into 6-8 pieces. After that, each piece is carefully rolled out until it has a diameter of about 3-4 inches. Ok, so the wrappers are done! Hoorah! Next, comes the dumpling filling-many will consider making the filling quite the formidable affair, but in reality, it’s just quite time-consuming.  Take a ground meat of your choice-combine with finely chopped cabbage or leek(it’s up to you), along with minced ginger.  Add a little vegetable oil so the mixture will be easier to incorporate-and don’t forget to crack an egg or two! A vegetable filling can be made in a similar way with mushrooms and carrots. And now, here comes the fun(but challenging) bit-assembling the dumplings! To assemble the dumplings, add roughly 1 heaping tablespoon of filling to the center of a dumpling wrapper. With your finger, lightly coat half of the outside of the wrapper with water. Fold the moistened half of the wrapper over the filling and, using your fingers, pleat the edges to seal. Repeat with the remaining fillings and wrappers. Steam the finished dumplings and serve with a side of dipping sauce-combine soy sauce with vinegar and sesame oil for one of our family favorites. Bon Appetit!

  • 5 habits you can start this month

    5 habits you can start this month – I realize this isn’t the run of the mill new years goal setting post, but anytime is a great time to improve yourself and start developing good habits. It can be hard to keep or even choose a habit to start, so here are some simple ideas to get you started or to inspire you to start something else. I don’t proclaim to be an expert at any of this, but I do believe that working on building habits will make you a better person and will help improve your mood overall. 1) Drink more water Yes, I know that this is probably the most generic habit suggestion there is, but I swear by it. I’ve noticed that I feel better when I drink enough water, especially now that I live in a dry climate. Look up how much water you should drink. The answers you’ll get will vary, some basing it off your weight, some your age, etc. Try different amount suggestions out, each for a week and see which amount makes you feel the best. If you live in a really arid climate or exercise a lot, I’d increase that amount somewhat. If the amount you should be drinking seems daunting to you, start small and work up to the amount you should be drinking. After a couple weeks, you’ll be accustomed to the amount of water you’re drinking, and will start to crave the right amount of water and it won’t seem so daunting anymore. I’d definitely recommend trying it out. 2) Early to bed and early to rise This one tends to be hard, especially for teens. I’m not saying you should sleep at 8 and get up at 6 or anything, but the sooner you go to bed (within reason, don’t go to sleep at 6 pm or anything), the better. I’ve noticed that the first week is HARD. Especially waking up earlier. But just like my water drinking suggestion, start out small with your overall goal and once you reach your goal, stick to it. The earlier I get up (again, within reason), the more productive I tend to be. I have more time to make a balanced breakfast, workout, make my bed (another great habit!), and get ready for the day. Even if you just get up half an hour earlier (depending on the time you already get up, don’t wake up before 5), you have that much more time in your morning. 3) Limit screen time Yet another difficult habit for teens! I know you’ve heard this before, but too much time looking at screens is bad for you. Lowering the brightness of your screen and wearing uv glasses only do so much. It’s especially hard to stay away from screens during the pandemic when virtually (haha see what I did there?) everything is online. But take frequent and lengthy breaks from your device, and don’t just go look at your phone or the tv. If you can, go for a walk outside or even just walk a bit in your house. Stretch and exercise a bit. Try to get some sunlight and fresh air every day, especially in covid times. Have a time limit for watching screens if you can. 4) Keep your space clear and clutter free Okay. I know, I sound like a nag. But seriously, I feel relieved when my desk is clear and my room is organized. This sounds like I think I’m a neat person and so it’s easy for me. NOPE. I have never been one to enjoy cleaning my room, but I have made myself organize and seriously, it feels much better afterwards. Especially if you can keep it organized. I’m still working on that part. Just take a few minutes a day and put a few things away. 5) Practice developing your hobbies/skills Covid-19 has made it hard for many of us to do what we love. Many sports have been postponed, events have been cancelled, etc. But there are still things we can do to practice and improve. This one is a very person-specific goal. This will vary for everyone. If you’re an athlete and you can’t meet to practice, still workout and learn about techniques you can use so as soon as sports resume, you don’t have as far to recover (does that make sense?) If your ‘thing’ is more creative related, find videos of other people doing it and learn from it or if you can, try to do it. Try to not let your skills get rustier than they have to, and do what you can to get better at whatever it is you love to do. Stay safe, Mary (p.s. I love feedback and suggestions for future posts)

  • Fast Fashion, What Is It?

    The Greener Grass A Blog by Jessica Nino Tip of the Day: watch your favorite vine or video<3 Fast Fashion, What Is It? Fast fashion is the mass production of clothes and accessories in an attempt to keep up with styles that are trending and in high demand. Fast fashion brands are mostly considered cheap and many are online retailers. Fast fashion companies have recently become extremely popular due to how they are able to meet the high demand and produce clothes at such a low price. What Makes Fast Fashion Bad? The downside of fast fashion is that it disregards the processes to produce environmentally safe products, and it uses toxic and polluted materials because they are cheaper. Often enough, customers will agree they noticed the fabric feels cheaper, and the dyes fade away or affect the item, as well as how some purchased items smell of chemicals. Fast Fashion also hires workers under undesirable conditions, such as overworking them, underpaying them, and dismissing their basic needs. Workers are often denied services other jobs don’t tend to think twice about, thus making their environment harsher than the average work space and is the exact reason it is frowned upon. Controversy Around fast Fashion Fast fashion becomes controversial when its prices come in. People have commented that although they do not support the process, it is ultimately what they can afford next to thrift stores. Many believe to quit fast fashion they have to buy sustainably made items which often result in a higher price some cannot afford. People are often quick to mention they recycle or give their clothes away once through with them, but overall, it doesn’t change the fact they add to the high demand of products these retailers receive. When clothes are donated, they have a certain amount of time to be sold. If they do not get sold in that time they end up thrown in landfills or donated to developing countries. Many companies already own factories in developing countries, further harming them by dumping their chemicals and dyes into their water. Greenwashing And its Connection to Fast Fashion Companies like H&M have made “sustainable” lines of clothing that claim to be eco friendly. Greenwashing is the act of making themselves seem more eco friendly than they really are. As Hasan Minhaj explains in his episode of fast fashion on “The Patriot Act” (linked below), fast fashion brands will claim they used recycled material on their item, and the only piece of recycled material found on it is the actual price tag. Another example of Greenwashing is claiming they replaced a certain material during a process like water during the dying process, and the water used in the process only being 1% of the whole  manufacturing process. Alternatives to Fast Fashion Below are 2 links to help begin to slow the demand of fast fashion and find good alternatives of shops to use within your budget. Besides highly recommending you read those, I recommend you look into local thrift stores, and small local businesses that have recently opened or are open and fit your price point. So at this point you might be wondering, How can I tell what is and isn\’t fast fashion? Some good examples are retailers that often work months to release their product. Well known brands include: Burberry, Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger, and even Nike and Adidas have claimed to be stepping towards a greener approach. More affordable brands include: Pact, Levis, Alternative Apparel, Athleta and Columbia. There are many more under the first and third link under the “Stores that Are NOT Fast Fashion” section. If I Can\’t/Don’t Quit Fast Fashion, How Can I Still Help? Many believe to quit fast fashion they have to buy sustainably made items which often result in a higher price some cannot afford. If you cannot or don’t want to completely abandon retailers of fast fashion, Hasan Minhaj also mentioned if you can wear the clothes for an extra 9 months, you’d already be making a difference. Other tips would be to thrift instead of constantly buying from fast fashion stores, and to slowly cut back on the amount you purchase, as well as considering if you really need it. Doing this would slow the demand and labor towards fast fashion clothes as well as begin to help the environment by not tossing every piece you buy into a landfill every week. Fast Fashion Retailers You May Be Familiar With: Zara Zaful Shein Romwe FashionNova Forever 21 H&M Urban Outfitters Aeropostale Missguided Dollskill Topshop Victoria’s Secret American Eagle Etc. Contact me Hi! I would love to hear your ideas, suggestions, and feedback on the content I am regularly publishing! I believe it is important I stay connected with yall and am able to positively connect and learn from yalls criticism and suggestions to help me improve as a writer. I encourage you to send me ideas and suggestions based on what you’d like to read about so that I can regularly connect with you all as well as better understand your interests, and help y’all destress, learn, and enjoy my content. -Love, J You can contact me through the following links and medias: Gmail: Twitter: 1andxnlynino And Instagram: jjessicaninoo (also found at the top of the page next to the title, you can reach my profile by clicking the IG icon or looking it up through the username) The best way to reach me would be through either Email or instagram, I am constantly checking both. Don\’t be shy! Even if you don’t have suggestions, if you need a safe space, feel emotionally/mentally stressed, are feeling anxious, depressed, or just need a friend, I am always available! FAQs Who Am I? My Name is Jessica & I am a blogger for the CPSB (college prep student bubble) I was given the wonderful ability to create content for you all as a way to relax or entertain/learn while you prepare for AP/college. What Are My Interests? My interests include painting, volleyball, discovering music, reading (mostly sci-fi or romance), writing about absolutely anything and interacting with new people! I believe having hobbies and consistently participating in them helps you mentally and physically destress, so if you haven\’t done something you enjoy today, take the time to do it :). What Do I Intend For This Blog? This blog was created for you as a student to get some daily reading in on something that interests you. This became a resource because AP and college can very often be stressful and a handful, my purpose is to entertain you and help you stay motivated. My writing can be seen as a brain break or relaxer to those who are interested in it. I intend to make this a very chill spot for you all and to bring weekly content on any topic imaginable you suggest/want. What Grade Am I In & What Courses Am I Taking? I am an incoming Junior for the 2020-21 year, and will be graduating with the class of ‘22. I am an Early College High School student, so half of my classes are highschool and the other half are college. My classes this year will include: English 4 dual credit, Geometry PAP, Environmental Systems PAP, US History, (high school). For my first semester in college I am taking College English, Texas Government, and Philosophy. More About My Writing: How did I come up with ‘The Greener Grass’? Very often I heard the saying “the grass isn\’t always greener on the other side” I decided to name my blog after this to give it a positive connotation: it doesn’t matter what side of the “grass’’ were on, sure it may not be the greenest, but I think that by being positive & interacting we can make our grass greener. To me this means we can help each other out, we can teach and learn from each other; we will all eventually feel stress, pressure, & frustration, but together we can make the most out of it and encourage each other & grow. Cites used, referenced and helpful related to this content: Stores that are NOT fast fashion & which ones to avoid

  • Study Bubble Blog Post-1/18/2021.

    1/18/2021 By Mista. Picking Up Hobbies During Quarantine…And My Story. During quarantine, a lot of people have picked up new hobbies-activities to do just for fun. For some, it acts as a creativity outlet to channel their energy-while for others, it’s more of the appeal of having something to do while stuck at home, rather than just sitting on the couch and watching Netflix(I am guilty as charged.) Many of my friends from school have picked up the activity of making crafts-this covers an extremely broad range of activities, ranging from embroidering one-color T-shirts to DIY-ing things like pillowcases and tank tops-I even have a friend who made an adorable sock monkey out of some old socks of hers that she doesn’t wear anymore. All these stories that my friends have shared, brings me to share my own story regarding something I picked up during quarantine. It’s not DIY crafting….not cooking(although I am able to make quite the nice fried rice(thanks mum))….nor dancing(I suffer from the so called “duck feet”-extreme clumsiness when it comes to dancing, I always step on myself!) During quarantine, I have begun to play the piano again. Wow! Shockers! The piano! My road with the general area of musical inclination has been quite the interesting route since I was eight years old.  Turn the clock back to 2012, before quarantine. Imagine a little girl with a soup bowl cut, sitting in front of a piano. It’s her first ever lesson. She’s very, very excited-seeing the black and white keys stretched across the majestic piano, she can imagine her own hands dancing across the keys…like Rubenstein, or Lang Lang. However, she soon realizes that learning a new instrument isn’t always a walk in the park. Yes, it began easy, but as the pieces became more difficult, she began to become annoyed by the difficulty level. Eventually, she began to resent practicing the piano-she didn’t want to sit down and practice while all her friends were outside, playing in the park or hanging out with each other at fast food places. She even missed one of her best friends’ birthday parties due to a piano lesson scheduling conflict. That little girl is me. Young me didn’t have the guts to openly defy my mother’s wrath(she was the one that introduced me to the piano in the first place), so I waited until I was sixteen–then, I refused to even touch the piano-I didn’t even want to open the lid of the piano. However, fate decided to play a little trick. Quarantine happened, and under the mountains of assignments, burnout, and stress that accumulated during the first weeks of junior year, I desperately needed a new hobby-not only because I needed an outlet for my stress, but also because I wanted to have something to do that nurtured my creativity. So, I played the piano again. At first, I could barely play through elementary-level pieces of J.S. Bach, but as I cleared the cobwebs in my “pianist” area of my mind, the musical sensation began to return. The true part that ended up nurturing my creativity was precisely the fact that I could interpret piano pieces in my own way. And the rest is history. It’s never too late to go back to old hobbies that you’ve forgotten. I promise!

  • Things to Consider Before Voting in the 2020 Election

    The Greener Grass A Blog by Jessica Nino Tip Of The Day: You are responsible for your actions, be the change you want to see Things to Consider Before Voting in the 2020 Election And any election really, For many, this is the first election you’ve probably paid attention to, had the right to vote in, felt the pressure between candidates, and wondered what the next four years will hold. If this is the first election you can vote in or you’re still nearing the voting age, I think it’s important that we know how to vote when we finally have the chance to. Even if the options seem bad, or both seem good, or both seem useless; here are some things to consider before casting your vote: This week we will be considering the 2 biggest parties: Democrats & Republicans Values: Although I do not think one should vote solely on values, I do think they play a rather large role on what laws and choices will be made for our country. Values will tend to influence some of the other categories shown below. Traditionally, republicans are known to be on the more conservative side of values while Democrats side more towards the liberal side of the spectrum. Here are some main views and values both parties hold: Disclaimer: I am aware not everyone from either party agrees with all the ideologies of the party nor am I using a biased view for this chart. The representatives for each party today will be Joe Biden and Donald Trump To understand this chart better watch the first link on my sources cited page: Social Ideologies Democrat Republican Abortion Pro-Choice Pro-Life Affirmative Action Favor Against Guns Pro gun control Pro gun rights Crime Social Issues Defendants rights Tougher policing laws Economic Ideologies Taxing Higher taxing is okay especially on rich (higher) tax is not okay Spending Okay, especially on social programs Not okay, except military Regulating Favor Against Military Basic (but have a tendency to love military almost as much as Republicans) Strong The Pandemic: Donald Trump: The president has mentioned he wants to continue opening everything again to ensure our economy doesn’t face any more damage. Joe Biden: Joe Biden proposes closing public spaces again and calls for a mask mandate to ensure the pandemic and infection rate can be handled and to flatten the curve. Racial/Police Opinions: Both are in favor of the police and against defunding. Donald Trump: Calls for a new training but overall calls for them to fight back with whatever force needed. Told Proud Boys to “stand back, and stand down” Joe Biden: Mentioned he wants to fund to have people on scenes with police to better evaluate the situation, and for police to focus better on jobs. Said “ Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids” Climate Change: Donald Trump: Insists we have the cleanest air and freshest water. Sees no problem with climate and ensures it is under control. “Americans have long been told that our country is running out of energy, but we now know that is wrong. America’s energy revolution has produced affordable, reliable energy for consumers along with stable, high-paying jobs for small businesses—all while dropping carbon emissions to their lowest level in 25 years. American energy policy must balance environmental protection with economic growth in order to encourage innovation, discovery, and prosperity.” – Energy & Environment, The White House Joe Biden: Proposes Green New Deal. “Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected. The Biden Plan will: Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050. Build a stronger, more resilient nation. Rally the rest of the world to meet the threat of climate change. Stand up to the abuse of power by polluters who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities. Fulfill our obligation to workers and communities who powered our industrial revolution and subsequent decades of economic growth.” – Plan for Climate Change & Environmental Justice, Joe Biden Although these are not all of the things you should consider before voting, I do hope you consider these things and find what you stand for and what you want to see for our country. It is your right to vote, so please: go do it. Your time is now. All resources cited below. Contact me Hi! I would love to hear your ideas, suggestions, and feedback on the content I am regularly publishing! I believe it is important I stay connected with yall and am able to positively connect and learn from yalls criticism and suggestions to help me improve as a writer. I encourage you to send me ideas and suggestions based on what you’d like to read about so that I can regularly connect with you all as well as better understand your interests, and help y’all destress, learn, and enjoy my content. -Love, J You can contact me through the following links and medias: Gmail: Twitter: 1andxnlynino And Instagram: jjessicaninoo (also found at the top of the page next to the title, you can reach my profile by clicking the IG icon or looking it up through the username) The best way to reach me would be through either Email or instagram, I am constantly checking both. Don\’t be shy! Even if you don’t have suggestions, if you need a safe space, feel emotionally/mentally stressed, are feeling anxious, depressed, or just need a friend, I am always available! FAQs Who Am I? My Name is Jessica & I am a blogger for the CPSB (college prep student bubble) I was given the wonderful ability to create content for you all as a way to relax or entertain/learn while you prepare for AP/college. What Are My Interests? My interests include painting, volleyball, discovering music, reading (mostly sci-fi or romance), writing about absolutely anything and interacting with new people! I believe having hobbies and consistently participating in them helps you mentally and physically destress, so if you haven\’t done something you enjoy today, take the time to do it :). What Do I Intend For This Blog? This blog was created for you as a student to get some daily reading in on something that interests you. This became a resource because AP and college can very often be stressful and a handful, my purpose is to entertain you and help you stay motivated. My writing can be seen as a brain break or relaxer to those who are interested in it. I intend to make this a very chill spot for you all and to bring weekly content on any topic imaginable you suggest/want. What Grade Am I In & What Courses Am I Taking? I am an incoming Junior for the 2020-21 year, and will be graduating with the class of ‘22. I am an Early College High School student, so half of my classes are highschool and the other half are college. My classes this year will include: English 4 dual credit, Geometry PAP, Environmental Systems PAP, US History, (high school). For my first semester in college I am taking College English, Texas Government, and Philosophy. More About My Writing: How did I come up with ‘The Greener Grass’? Very often I heard the saying “the grass isn\’t always greener on the other side” I decided to name my blog after this to give it a positive connotation: it doesn’t matter what side of the “grass’’ were on, sure it may not be the greenest, but I think that by being positive & interacting we can make our grass greener. To me this means we can help each other out, we can teach and learn from each other; we will all eventually feel stress, pressure, & frustration, but together we can make the most out of it and encourage each other & grow. Cites used, referenced and helpful related to this content:

  • A List Of Movies To Get You in the Halloween Spirit

    The Greener Grass A Blog by Jessica Nino A List Of Movies To Get You In the Halloween Spirit Since it’s October and Halloween is right around the corner, I’ve composed a list of scary movies to help you be in the full October spirit. Here are some movies to send shivers down your spine. Pure horror The Conjuring Series (2 movies) – R – Directed by James Wan; This series takes on multiple cases of Ed & Lorraine Warrens’ supernatural experiences and turns them into nightmare fueled movies.This is a personal favorite, I watch probably monthly (don’t judge me). My first one is my favorite, and the plots as well as acting is immaculate (in my opinion). The Purge Movies (4 movies) – R – Directed By James DeMonaco; In a society where crime is rampant, citizens are given 12 hours to commit any crime they please without consequence, with no help from health care workers. I also personally love these movies with the second one being my favorite. Like the conjuring, you don\’t have to watch them in order because they all have their set of characters and plot which change frequently. The purge reminds me of movies like Divergent and The Hunger Games, but if the societies went insane. They’re also very realistic and call to attention how many times those who are poor suffer the most in our society. Sinister 2 – R – Ciaran Foy; Evil tapes influence the young to take on rather sinister actions and become violent towards those they love the most. I prefer Sinister 2 over the first one. Sinister 2 does a great job of creeping you at the edge of your seat while slowly creeping fear into you. Insidious – PG-13 – James Wan; What is believed to be a young boy in a coma soon turns into the discovery that his soul is at stake with something inexplicably evil. I consider this one more of a classic since I\’ve watched it for so many years. Although there is a lot of commentary and talking, I think the ending wraps it up very well. This is a movie I recommend you watch at night to feel scared. Pet Sematary – R – Mary Lambert or Kevin Kolsch, Dennis Widmyer; Both versions revolve around the loss of a loved one and the attempt to bring them back without considering the amount of things that can go wrong. I actually laughed during this movie multiple times but that\’s because fear triggers my jokes as a defense mechanism. I wouldn’t consider a favorite, but it does a decent job of scaring you and slowly reels you in. Annabelle – R – John R. Leonetti; A spinoff to the first Conjuring movie, this tells the malicious origin of a notoriously haunted doll. I actually have an Annabelle rag doll in my room, which I love because I am a Conjuring/Anabelle fanatic. Although it is scary, I feel like this movie carries much more suspense letting scenes build up until the final reveal at the end. The Orphanage – R – J.A. Bayona; A woman returns to her childhood home that was once an orphanage with her family. Soon, her son makes contact with its old inhabitors. This is another childhood movie of mine which I love as well. Although there is lots of back and forth speaking in this, it is important you pay it your full attention because there’s little clues dropped throughout the movie that finally piece the ending together. Friday The 13th – R – Sean S. Cunningham; The notorious Halloween movie takes place around a group of counselors and their battle with death as a masked serial killer chases them around camp. This movie IS a classic. It might not be as scary or gory as modern movies and the stunts are a little bit more obvious, but as a classic, I deemed it worthy of being on this list. The console game for this is also very fun. The Silence Of the Lambs – R – Jonathan Demme; This movie follows a case of investigation leading one serial killer to another. I haven’t seen this movie yet but it’s definitely on my list. I’ve also heard it has somewhat of a psychological aspect, so I think it’s important to keep in mind details and symbolism to fully understand the film. It – R – Andy Muschietti ; A shape shifting monster disguised as a clown terrorizes a group of kids. This movie is a modernized version of the older “It”, and I think it worked as a remake because of the way the visuals get in your head and the line between reality and fantasy is blurred. The Strangers – R – Bryan Bertino; Based on real events, The Strangers tells the terrifying reality around a family stalked and attacked by complete strangers wishing people harm for fun. I also really love this movie because it\’s not something you have to believe in to be scared. Unlike most others, this movie has no paranormal feel to it and it’s based on true events. Scream – R – Wes Craven; A masked serial killer terrorizes a girl and her friends with a ‘game’ involving horror films. This is another classic I\’ve been missing out on, but my cousin is literally obsessed with this movie. It is also on my list and just gives off classic halloween vibes. Dead Silence – R – James Wan; The products of a deceased ventriloquist are used to haunt and torture people as their makers’ curse. I’ve been watching this movie for years but I’ve heard that many people got nightmare from the first time they watched it, so I’d consider this one for a while. This movie does contain dolls and dummies throughout, so if that freaks you out, maybe it’s not a great idea to watch this one. Saw – R – James Wan; Victims are forced to play horrendous torture games in captivity of a serial killer. This movie is good if you’re into more of a gore and violence vibe. Gore and torture is the whole point. If you’re sensitive to that I would not recommend because it’s showcased throughout the entire movie. Thriller/Suspense Don’t Breathe – R – Fede Alvarez; A group of friends break into a blind veterans’ home hoping to take a bit of cash from him; only then do they find behind his door that it costs them much more. I watched this movie in theatres and it was very good. There are moments where everything is pitch black and you feel like you are in the same position as the characters by having to use your ears instead of your eyes. I’d recommend this movie at night. Split – PG-13 – M. Night Shyamalan; A man with multiple personalities kidnaps a group of girls with a peculiar plan and reason behind it. Split is the type of movie to have you screaming at your screen the whole time. I definitely recommend you give your whole attention into this to understand it as well, as to maybe watch it with everyone so you’re not the only one screaming at a screen. The Call – R – Brad Anderson; After being kidnapped from the mall, Casey calls 911 to report her incident immediately. Her 911 dispatcher becomes involved in her case fearing the man behind it is the same man from a previous case she answered. I absolutely love this movie with my movie-fanatic spirit. After Jordan (Halle Berry) receives factors from a kidnapper that remind her of a horrendous case she previously dispatched, she is determined to find his victim. This movie has you gripping te edge of your seat and is almost like a murder mystery. Unhinged – R – Derrick Borte; After an argument on the road between two strangers, the antagonist (Russell Crowe) decides he’s going to make matters a bit worse by road raging his victim.  I have not seen this movie yet, but it will be available to rent on Redbox November 17th and it seems very fast paced which adds to the suspense aspects. The Boy – PG-13 – William Brent Bell; A family that lost their son in a fire kept a lookalike doll of him in their house to commemorate him. During a vacation, the family calls for a nanny to take care of their doll. The ill intentions and history behind the doll are finally revealed once the nanny arrives. I like this movie because even if you do not believe in paranormal happenings, the end has a more realistic approach to tie it all together. A Quiet Place – PG-13 – John Krasinski; In an apocalyptic scenario, John Krasinski and Emily Blunt go to extreme lengths to protect their family from monsters. Like Don’t Breathe, and even Bird Box, characters are forced to give up a sense in order to survive. This movie is great to watch at night and in complete silence because most of the movie is silent. If you lose yourself in the movie enough like I did,  you’ll actually find yourself avoiding anything that makes noise. With A Friend Like Harry – R – Dominick Moll; As two highschool friends reunite and become friends again years later, one takes their friendship and intentions much more seriously. I have not seen this movie but it is from the earlier 2000’s and has a very good rating, leading me to believe that it was well put together and interesting enough to keep the audience engaged. If Among Us was a movie I think it would be this one. Zodiac – R – David Fincher; Based around the notorious Zodiac Killer from the 70’s, a group of detectives take on the job of finding the serial killer terrorizing their town. Another one I have yet to watch, this movie also rates relatively high and I think s a great option for those who watch murder and serial killer documentaries. I Saw The Devil – NR – Jee-Woon Kim; An agent seeks revenge from a serial killer through a highly planned mindset. This is an Asian filmed and influenced movie which is interesting because many times I realize I mostly watch American movies. If you want to switch vibes for a suspense movie I’d recommend this to see how you like it and if it varies from the traditional American movie. Devil – PG-13 – John Erick Dowdle; After 5 strangers find themselves stuck in an elevator due to a power outage, they soon find out they’re not alone. Another movie I’ve grown up with; this also gives off Among Us vibes by slowly killing characters off until the truth comes out, having the characters trapped in a small space gave me a bit of anxiety but then again: that’s the point. Psychological Us – R – Jordan Peele; A family decides to go on a vacation and soon finds not everything is what it seems. Coincidences and childhood fears contribute to the anxiety and danger they find themselves in.There are many small details in this movie you need to understand in seconds to help click the pieces together. It is set up in an everyday setting which is incredible to make your mind wander off into what you would do or how you would react. Get Out – R – Jordan Peele; After a Black young man visits his girlfriend\’s white parents, he begins to feel uneasy. Soon enough his uniseaniss is justified and he realizes what was causing it.  Jordan Peele does a great job of making the viewer feel squeamish and uncomfortable to help build up the paranoid view the main character holds to talk about racial issues and worries overall. Vivarium – R – Lorcan Finnegan; A young couple tries looking for a home and when they find one they’re interested in, they become lost in the gated community. They soon realize every house, street, features are identical. There seems to be no escape. I have been wanting to watch this movie but haven’t had the opportunity to yet. I think the concept is overall trippy considering formality and ‘escape’ in our lives. I’ve also read this movie holds similarities to the real issues concerning house buying and renting as well as mortgage. Midsommar – R – Ari Aster; After a couple takes a trip to sweden for a mid summer festival they become involved in a competitively dangerous cult. Like Vivarium, I plan to watch this very soon, but I think the concept is incredible in the way it sets the character up for the unknown and how we learn to fear anything foreign, but also how no sign of escape often leads to settling or giving in. The Lovely Bones – PG-13 – Peter Jackson; A young murdered girl watches over both her family and her killer, their healing and guilt process and she tries to find her way to eternal happiness. This movie is incredible in portraying the process a murderer has as well as the feelings for it. This movie also shows the quick change of death and how everything is suddenly left behind: loved ones, plans, friends, dreams, etc. I would not call this movie scary, because it has more of a “what happens next” feel. Parasite – R – Bong Joon Ho; Meant to show class systems in Korea, parasite follows a young man working for a high class family and what he risks to finally live with commodities like theirs. I absolutely enjoyed the symbolism and deeper meaning behind this movie as well as the representation. It shows the struggles of not only social class but being a minimum wage worker and how they struggle to ever find control. The Shining – R – Stanley Kubrick; A family head to an Isolated hotel and members of the family are taken over with the force of a sinister spirit. This movie is the epitome of classic horror from paranormal to a strange home and secrets. Ju-On:The Grudge – R – Takashi Shimizu; An evil spirit terrorizes anyone who enters their cursed home. I really like this movie (if i’m not mistaken this is the original Grudge), due to how old it is and how original it also is. This movie is similar to the ring movies but I tend to enjoy it more solely based on the plotline and purpose. Frozen – R – Adam Green; After being stuck mid air on a chairlift, a group of people have to make choices with the limited options they’re offered if they want to survive the freezing night. This movie has no paranormal aspects either but I enjoyed it because it pits the characters in a very “bad luck” type of situation many wouldn’t bother considering. Time is a crucial factor in this movie making every decision important. Animated (kid Friendly) The Nightmare Before christmas; The king of Halloweentown stumbles into Christmas town. As he tries to bring Christmas to Halloweentown, there is much confusion between their inhabitants. I just watched this movie the other day and I really like the approach it takes, although the king (Jack Skellington) rules Halloween town, many times we want a change because consistency can become bland. Coraline – PG – Henry Selick; After Coraline finds an alternate version of her home and life, she begins to wander into it more. Her alternate life has better versions of everything her regular life has, but with ill intentions. I consider this movie THE halloween movie. I’ve loved this movie for years and the concept is a really interesting take on the “be careful what you wish for” moral. Frankenweenie – PG- Tim Burton; A young boy loses his dog and tries to revive him in efforts to get more time with him. I have not seen this movie but I imagine it to be the nice version of Pet Sematary. Corpse Bride – PG – Tim Burton; A young man practices wedding vows near a dead woman and causes her to rise from her grave with the idea they’re married. I also haven’t seen this movie (sorry I\’m uncultured) but I do like the concept or a corpse being oblivious for the love of a man that never intended it for her. Monster House – PG – Gil Kenan; A group of teens finds that their neighbors house is a living monster disguised as a house. I think this movie is cute. It’s funny, it takes you on a little adventure and still gives you that haunted house spooky vibe. It does its job. Hotel Transylvania – PG- Genndy Tartakovsky; A vampire runs a hotel for non human creatures and monsters but things go sideways when a human shows up. I think this movie is great for halloween night because it deals with many halloween related things like vampires and scary creatures and it\’s also very cute and funny. Scooby Doo – PG – Raja Raja Gosnell; The Mystery Inc. gang is sent out to an island to investigate its strange occurrences. This movie is great because everyone already knows without watching it that Shaggy and Scooby are going to mess things up. I grew up with this one as well and it’s cool seeing animations come to life for a movie. Soft Horror/ Horror Free Halloweentown – G – Duwayne Dunham; A young girl and her good witch grandmother are sent to save Halloweentown, their monster hometown, from evil forces. A Disney classic, Halloweentown is another halloween night go-to that most youth is bound to enjoy and laugh at. Goosebumps – PG – Rob Letterman; After R.L. Stines’ imaginary monsters are set free, his daughter and a young teenage boy must find them. Like Monster House, this movie is pretty cute and does it’s job of bringing books and a series to a more modern life. Scary Movie – R – Keenan Ivory Wayans; After a group of teenagers tries to cover up an accidental murder, a real serial killer begins to stalk them. This is a movie made to make you laugh at dumb jokes and the absolute randomest things, which it does a great job of. Maleficent – PG – Robert Stromberg; A take on Aurora’s villain, Maleficent’s story is told from her youth to the turning point as a villain. The movie does a great job of giving information to question if Maleficent even is a villain and what her true intentions were. Twitches – PG – Stuart Gillard; Sister witches meet on their 21st birthday after learning they were separated. After years of forgetting about the underland she once visited besides in her dreams, Alice finds herself once again in Wonderland reunited with some friends, but learns the queen wants her in her reign of terror. Extra: Childhood Halloween Specials Ordered by show title, season, and episode Zack and Cody 1×19 Jessie 2×1 Jessie 4×18 Lizzie McGuire 1×24 Kim Possible 1×14 Boy Meets World 5×17 A.N.T Farm 2×13 A.N.T Farm 3×12 That\’s so Raven 2×2 Shake it Up 2×4 Wizards of Waverly Place 3×2 Good Luck Charlie 2×25 Good Luck Charlie 3×15 Hannah Montana 1×17 Dog With A Blog 2×3 Liv and Maddie 3×4 Contact me Hi! I would love to hear your ideas, suggestions, and feedback on the content I am regularly publishing! I believe it is important I stay connected with yall and am able to positively connect and learn from yalls criticism and suggestions to help me improve as a writer. I encourage you to send me ideas and suggestions based on what you’d like to read about so that I can regularly connect with you all as well as better understand your interests, and help y’all destress, learn, and enjoy my content. -Love, J You can contact me through the following links and medias: Gmail: Twitter: 1andxnlynino And Instagram: jjessicaninoo (also found at the top of the page next to the title, you can reach my profile by clicking the IG icon or looking it up through the username) The best way to reach me would be through either Email or instagram, I am constantly checking both. Don\’t be shy! Even if you don’t have suggestions, if you need a safe space, feel emotionally/mentally stressed, are feeling anxious, depressed, or just need a friend, I am always available! FAQs Who Am I? My Name is Jessica & I am a blogger for the CPSB (college prep student bubble) I was given the wonderful ability to create content for you all as a way to relax or entertain/learn while you prepare for AP/college. What Are My Interests? My interests include painting, volleyball, discovering music, reading (mostly sci-fi or romance), writing about absolutely anything and interacting with new people! I believe having hobbies and consistently participating in them helps you mentally and physically destress, so if you haven\’t done something you enjoy today, take the time to do it :). What Do I Intend For This Blog? This blog was created for you as a student to get some daily reading in on something that interests you. This became a resource because AP and college can very often be stressful and a handful, my purpose is to entertain you and help you stay motivated. My writing can be seen as a brain break or relaxer to those who are interested in it. I intend to make this a very chill spot for you all and to bring weekly content on any topic imaginable you suggest/want. What Grade Am I In & What Courses Am I Taking? I am an incoming Junior for the 2020-21 year, and will be graduating with the class of ‘22. I am an Early College High School student, so half of my classes are highschool and the other half are college. My classes this year will include: English 4 dual credit, Geometry PAP, Environmental Systems PAP, US History, (high school). For my first semester in college I am taking College English, Texas Government, and Philosophy. More About My Writing: How did I come up with ‘The Greener Grass’? Very often I heard the saying “the grass isn\’t always greener on the other side” I decided to name my blog after this to give it a positive connotation: it doesn’t matter what side of the “grass’’ were on, sure it may not be the greenest, but I think that by being positive & interacting we can make our grass greener. To me this means we can help each other out, we can teach and learn from each other; we will all eventually feel stress, pressure, & frustration, but together we can make the most out of it and encourage each other & grow. Cites used, referenced and helpful related to this content: TikTok: lleahrobinson

  • The Significance of #BoycottMulan

    The Greener Grass A Blog by Jessica Nino Tip Of The Day: No one gets an opinion on what you like or believe besides you.<3 The Significance of #BoycottMulan For the past month and a half, i\’ve been seeing #BoycottMulan all over my feed, so… What does that mean? And why should we do that to Mulan? According to Google, Boycott is “an act of nonviolent, voluntary and intentional abstention from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest, usually for moral, social, political, environmental reasons,”. Basically, boycotting is refusing to contribute in any way (money, time, patience, etc.) to an organization, person, or thing, that goes against your values, beliefs, ideas, and so on. So back to the question I posed earlier… Why would we boycott Mulan? What’s so wrong with watching the remake of a children’s movie? Viewers quickly noticed issues with the film production that included the location it was filmed in, lead roles, and casting. Below I will briefly explain issues with each, but I’d suggest you do your own research as well. Filming Location: The Mulan remake was filmed in Xinjiang. If that names seems familiar, you might recognize it from my last post; Xinjiang is the same location in China that has Uyghur Muslims in camps and, and commiting mass genocide. Personally, I think it was incredibly ignorant for Disney as a company to film in the same place many receive inhumane treatment day to day and have possibly suffered in for years now. It is also rumored for Disney to have filmed close to the camps. In their final credits, Disney thanks the Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security (one of the forces known to detain Uyghurs.) Lead Roles: The main actress taking on the role of Mulan supports Hong Kong Police. You may have heard from the riots how violent Hong Kong police are. Supporting the Hong Kong police supports the brutality they use to uphold their broken system and tactics. Casting: Although I am thankful they were inclusive enough to have all-Asian casting with an Asian film, many believe that it wasn’t that inclusive at all. Behind the actors, the designers, writers, directors (backstage crew) were not Asian. This leaves many wondering, how are you going to fulfill the duty of telling this story without having any connection, related beliefs or knowledge about it. I think when working on such culture specific projects, it is important to have people who relate or have connections to the culture as well, this further deepens the meaning behind it and makes it ‘true’. Words from other sources to keep in mind: “It is great to see female empowerment, but we must empower and protect ALL females,” “It simply does not make sense to film a movie about female empowerment when less that twenty minutes away women are being raped, killed, and having their reproductive and basic human rights taken away” -The Youth For Change (@theyouth4changeorg) Contact me Hi! I would love to hear your ideas, suggestions, and feedback on the content I am regularly publishing! I believe it is important I stay connected with yall and am able to positively connect and learn from yalls criticism and suggestions to help me improve as a writer. I encourage you to send me ideas and suggestions based on what you’d like to read about so that I can regularly connect with you all as well as better understand your interests, and help y’all destress, learn, and enjoy my content. -Love, J You can contact me through the following links and medias: Gmail: Twitter: 1andxnlynino And Instagram: jjessicaninoo (also found at the top of the page next to the title, you can reach my profile by clicking the IG icon or looking it up through the username) The best way to reach me would be through either Email or instagram, I am constantly checking both. Don\’t be shy! Even if you don’t have suggestions, if you need a safe space, feel emotionally/mentally stressed, are feeling anxious, depressed, or just need a friend, I am always available! FAQs Who Am I? My Name is Jessica & I am a blogger for the CPSB (college prep student bubble) I was given the wonderful ability to create content for you all as a way to relax or entertain/learn while you prepare for AP/college. What Are My Interests? My interests include painting, volleyball, discovering music, reading (mostly sci-fi or romance), writing about absolutely anything and interacting with new people! I believe having hobbies and consistently participating in them helps you mentally and physically destress, so if you haven\’t done something you enjoy today, take the time to do it :). What Do I Intend For This Blog? This blog was created for you as a student to get some daily reading in on something that interests you. This became a resource because AP and college can very often be stressful and a handful, my purpose is to entertain you and help you stay motivated. My writing can be seen as a brain break or relaxer to those who are interested in it. I intend to make this a very chill spot for you all and to bring weekly content on any topic imaginable you suggest/want. What Grade Am I In & What Courses Am I Taking? I am an incoming Junior for the 2020-21 year, and will be graduating with the class of ‘22. I am an Early College High School student, so half of my classes are highschool and the other half are college. My classes this year will include: English 4 dual credit, Geometry PAP, Environmental Systems PAP, US History, (high school). For my first semester in college I am taking College English, Texas Government, and Philosophy. More About My Writing: How did I come up with ‘The Greener Grass’? Very often I heard the saying “the grass isn\’t always greener on the other side” I decided to name my blog after this to give it a positive connotation: it doesn’t matter what side of the “grass’’ were on, sure it may not be the greenest, but I think that by being positive & interacting we can make our grass greener. To me this means we can help each other out, we can teach and learn from each other; we will all eventually feel stress, pressure, & frustration, but together we can make the most out of it and encourage each other & grow. Cites used, referenced and helpful related to this content:

  • Baroque dreams

    I tried drawing it in my own style.. it was difficult Katie jeanne 10/13/20 #art

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